- New Photos: @aboveandbeyond Group Therapy Tour, Perth, 9/9/11 | Full Album: http://t.co/7Rs3wUW | FB: http://t.co/bQZlMp3 | @atomikarts #
- Can't believe it's been a decade since that defining day | http://t.co/GpWZaQA | #neverforget | #wherewereyou | #10yearslater #
- Enjoying a session of group therapy – with the one and only Above and Beyond! (@ Metro City for Above & Beyond) [pic]: http://t.co/lABTQnC #
- New photos: 2011 DIA WA Awards, WA Museum, 2 September | http://t.co/OSeJTYC | @DesignInstAust #